The Devil’s Throat
James E. Faust
Second Counselor in the First Presidency
Please help us push back the world. We must stand against the wind. Sometimes we must be unpopular and simply say, “This is not right.”
dear brethren of the priesthood, tonight I address my remarks to all of
you, but in particular to the young men. My purpose is to instruct and
warn you of dangers that lie ahead, but I also want to express my love
for you and the great confidence I have in you as the rising generation.
a young man I served a mission to Brazil. It was a marvelous
experience. One of the wonders of the world in that great country is
Iguaçu Falls. In the flood season, the volume of water spilling over the
brink is the largest in the world. Every few minutes, millions of
gallons of water cascade into the chasm below. One part of the falls,
where the deluge is the heaviest, is called the Devil’s Throat.
are some large rocks standing just above, before the water rushes down
into Devil’s Throat. Years ago, reckless boatmen would take passengers
in canoes to stand on those rocks and look down into the Devil’s Throat.
The water above the falls is usually calm and slow moving, and the
atmosphere tranquil. Only the roar of the water below forewarns of the
danger lurking just a few feet away. A sudden, unexpected current could
take a canoe into the rushing waters, over the cliff, and down into the
Devil’s Throat. Those foolish enough to leave the canoes to stand on
these treacherous wet rocks could so easily lose their footing and be
swept away into the swirling currents below.
recognize that some of you think of yourselves as daredevils, ready to
take on almost any challenge. But some of these excursions for
excitement will inevitably take you down into the Devil’s Throat. The
only safe course is to stay well away from the dangers of the Devil’s
Throat. President George Albert Smith
strongly cautioned, “If you cross to the devil’s side of the line one
inch, you are in the tempter’s power, and if he is successful, you will
not be able to think or even reason properly, because you will have lost
the spirit of the Lord.”
of you young men may be letting others set your standards. You defend
yourselves by saying, “Who said we shouldn’t do this or we shouldn’t do
that?” There are so many shades of right and wrong that each of you has
to decide where the line will be. I strongly urge you that if there is
any question in your minds or hearts about whether your personal conduct
is right or wrong, don’t do it. Each of us has moral agency, and the
gift of the Holy Ghost
will sharpen our impressions of what is right and wrong, true and
false. It is the responsibility of the prophets of God to teach the word
of God, not to spell out every jot and tittle of human conduct. If we
are conscientiously trying to avoid not only evil but the very
appearance of evil, we will act for ourselves and not be acted upon.
of what comes from the devil is alluring and enticing. It glitters and
is appealing to the sensual parts of our nature. His message sounds so
reasonable and easy to justify. His voice is usually smooth and
intriguing. If it were harsh or discordant, nobody would listen, nobody
would be enticed. Some of Satan’s most appealing messages are: Everyone
does it; if it doesn’t hurt anybody else, it’s all right; if you feel
there is no harm in it, it’s okay; it’s the “cool” thing to do. Satan is
the greatest imitator, the master deceiver, the arch counterfeiter, and
the greatest forger ever in the history of the world. He comes into our
lives as a thief in the night. His disguise is so perfect that it is
hard to recognize him or his methods. He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
have always been two great competing forces in the world. These began
before the world was created. These opposing forces are the forces of
good and evil. Between these two powerful forces each of us is caught in
a tug of war. In simple terms, that which is good comes from God, and
that which is evil comes from the devil.
You can’t have it both ways and find true happiness; some have
tried, but in the long run all have failed. If any of you young men
think you can have it both ways, you are only deceiving yourselves. It
doesn’t work that way. It never has. It never will.
dear young friends, there is another great truth that you young men
must learn. It is that everything has a price. There is a price to pay
for success, fulfillment, accomplishment, and joy. There are no
freebies. If you don’t pay the price that is needed for success, you
will pay the price of failure. Preparation, work, study, and service are
required to achieve and find happiness. Disobedience and lack of
preparation carry a terrible price tag. As priesthood holders of this
Church, part of the price we need to pay is by living differently from
the world. We are the possessors and custodians of these commanding
powers which can and do roll back the power of Satan on the earth. With
all my heart I urge you to please help us push back the world. We must
stand against the wind. Sometimes we must be unpopular and simply say,
“This is not right.”
of us want to find out who we really are and what our place is in the
world. Some of you young people are trying to find your identity by
being different from your parents and families in what they stand for.
God made each of us to be different from anyone else in the world, as
our DNA and fingerprints prove. You don’t have to work at having a
separate identity; you already have one.
young people want to rebel against restraints. Some of you think it
isn’t “cool” to be obedient to your parents or to follow the counsel of
your bishop or quorum president. Bishop Richard C. Edgley shared an
experience he had as a young boy about the consequences of being
reckless and disobedient:
I was a young boy, our garage and the neighbor’s garage were about five
feet apart. The neighbor’s garage was very old and dilapidated, and
some of the boards were breaking. I, on occasion, would climb onto our
garage and jump from one garage to the other and play on top of them. My
father had told me, ‘Stay off the garages,’ but I didn’t. One time when
I was playing on them, I jumped from our garage and fell through the
roof of the neighbor’s garage, scraping my back and legs badly. Because I
had been disobedient, I foolishly decided not to tell anyone that I had
hurt myself. I went in the house and washed the scrapes and scratches
as well as I could, but I couldn’t reach the ones on my back to put
antiseptic on them or even wash them clean. I bore the burden of pain,
worry over infection setting in, and guilt for several days while the
healing process took place.”
someone once said, “One of the best things in the world to be is a boy;
it requires no experience, but needs some practice to be a good one.”
Some of you may have been deceived by thinking that you can find excitement by dabbling in drugs, alcohol, pornography,
and illicit sex. I warn you that such enticements as these are slippery
and dangerous like the rocks by the Devil’s Throat, and they will only
lead you into Satan’s territory. The way out of that kind of danger is
difficult and will leave you with far more than a few scrapes and
young men will be working out your eternal destiny at an interesting
time. In the future there will continue to be an increase in scientific
discoveries and inventions which will make life more comfortable and
easier for many. No doubt medical science will continue to find new
treatments and cures not available now. In contrast, the worldly
influences of evil will likely increase, and more people will become
vulnerable to the deceit and enticement of Satan. You young men will
need to become stronger spiritually and morally in order to withstand
the temptations and snares of the world. Perhaps this is why such
special spirits have been reserved for this time.
also believe that in the future the opposition from Satan will be both
more subtle and more open. While in some ways it may be more blatant, it
will be masked with greater sophistication and cunning. We will need
greater spirituality to perceive all the forms of evil and greater
strength to resist it.
countries now face the dangers of terrorism. War exposes people to
bodily harm, but there is also exposure to moral harm. Those of us who
have served in the military in wartime have experienced the disruption
in life that comes from being uprooted from home and family,
wholesome associations, and the influence of the organized Church. I
warn those who are now serving in the military, or who may do so,
against the pitfalls of these disruptions. They can take us into the
very jaws of the Devil’s Throat.
of the activities you will be engaged in are group situations where you
cannot always choose your own company. But you can choose your
standards. In the military you belong to an outfit where part of its
strength comes from the unity of its members. You need to be loyal to
the members of your unit because the fellow who is next to you may save
your life tomorrow! But that doesn’t mean you have to lower your moral
standards. In any association there needs to be one or more who stand up
and say, “What we are doing is not right.” It takes moral courage to do
The Church recently republished the servicemen’s edition of Principles of the Gospel
for members of the Church serving in the military anywhere in the
world. While it is now only available in English, it will be translated
into other languages. This excellent resource contains instructions for
Church activity and the wearing of the garment in the military,
priesthood ordinances and blessings, gospel topics, and a few selected
hymns. We had a similar resource available to those of us who served in
the military in World War II. I found it to be invaluable.
is a continuing sifting process going on. We are reminded of the
parable of the wheat and the tares. In that parable the Lord said, “The
kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his
field,” but while he slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the
grain, so that when the blades of wheat sprouted, so did the weeds. The
man’s workers did not understand how weeds got into the field and asked
if they should go and pull the weeds. The owner of the field said no,
because while you pull the weeds, you also pull up the grain. So he
counseled that the grain and the weeds grow together until the time of
harvest, when the wheat would be bundled separately from the weeds.
disciples of Jesus asked the Savior for an interpretation of the
parable, and the Savior answered: “He that soweth the good seed is the
Son of man;
“The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one;
“The enemy that sowed them is the devil; … and the reapers are the angels.
“As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world.”
parable confirms the statement of Alma which I wish to repeat,
“Whatsoever is good cometh from God, and whatsoever is evil cometh from
the devil.”
we are living in a challenging time, and it is a time for us to stand
firm and steady in meeting our family and priesthood responsibilities.
We should not be blown “like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and
We should go forward in a spirit of faith and not be fearful of
anything except being too close to the Devil’s Throat. We will be
strengthened and preserved if we follow the counsel and direction of
President Gordon B. Hinckley, who is at the helm. I have a special
witness that he is our prophet, seer, and revelator. He is the
mouthpiece of God on the earth today. I pray the Lord’s blessings to be
with us all, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
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